Meeting Abstract
S8.1 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Cichlid Genomics and Phenotypic Diversity in a Comparative Context HULSEY, CD; Univ. of Tennessee chulsey@utk.edu
The genome of your favorite organism will soon be fully sequenced. What are you going to do with it? With the complete sequencing of several cichlid fish genomes, we will know the genetic blueprints used to build the incredible evolutionary diversity of this textbook adaptive radiation. In my introductory talk, I will broadly compare species number, trophic habits, coloration, and mating behaviors in cichlids and other diverse vertebrate groups. The repeated phenotypic convergence in cichlid fishes, that makes this group so exceptional for comparative analyses of genetics and development, will be highlighted. Our symposium will outline how researchers studying cichlids and other model vertebrate organisms are working to understand how genomes are translated into adaptive phenotypic diversity