Meeting Abstract
The Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) is an ideal model species to study physiological and toxicological adaptations to stressors. Killifish inhabiting the PCB-contaminated Superfund site in New Bedford Harbor, MA (NBH) have evolved resistance to toxicity and activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) signaling pathway after exposure to PCBs and other AHR agonists. Until recently, a lack of genomic information has limited efforts to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying environmental adaptation to stressors. The advent of high throughput sequencing has facilitated an unbiased assessment of coding as well as non-coding RNAs in any species of interest. Among non-coding RNAs, microRNAs (miRNAs) are important regulators of gene expression. The objective of this study is to catalog the miRNAs in killifish and determine their expression patterns in the embryos from contaminated (NBH) and pristine (Scorton Creek, MA (SC)) sites. Embryos from NBH and SC were collected daily from 1 to 15 days post-fertilization and RNA from pooled samples from each site was sequenced using SOLiD sequencing. Analysis of the sequencing data identified 216 conserved mature miRNA sequences that are expressed during development. Using the draft killifish genome, we retrieved the miRNA precursor sequences. Based on the capacity of these putative precursor sequences to form the characteristic hairpin loop, we identified 197 conserved miRNA sequences in the genome. We also determined differentially expressed miRNAs between NBH and SC, and verified their expression using quantitative real-time PCR. (Supported in part by the WHOI Summer Student Fellow program, NIEHS grants P42ES007381 and R21ES017304, and National Science Foundation collaborative research grants DEB-1265282 and DEB-1120263.)