Biology Meets Engineering Finite Element Analysis of Selachian Teeth

Meeting Abstract

25.3  Jan. 5  Biology Meets Engineering: Finite Element Analysis of Selachian Teeth WHITENACK, L.B.*; SIMKINS, D.C.; MOTTA, P.J.; Univ. of South Florida, Tampa, FL; Univ. of South Florida, Tampa, FL; Univ. of South Florida, Tampa, FL

Applying engineering principles to biological studies can reveal novel functional insights into performance and evolution. This study explores the link between form, function and performance of shark teeth using finite element analysis. FE models of select shark species were fixed at the base and loaded at the tip for puncture and on the lateral cutting edges for unidirectional draw. Loadings were taken from puncture and draw material testing of shark teeth on teleost prey, from theoretical estimates in the literature, and finally loaded to an ultimate load of 10 kN. Initial results indicate that in puncture, regardless of the load magnitude, the tooth experiences stresses concentrated at the tip and along the lateral edge, rapidly diminishing away from these areas. When loaded laterally in draw, teeth with non-serrated thin cusps, such as those in Carcharhinus limbatus, show stress patterns that are similar to those predicted by beam theory. As cusps become broader and notched, such as teeth of C. leucas and Galeocerdo cuvier, stress concentrations occur along the cutting edge and at the notch. Consequently, notches could possibly be a site of crack formation and eventual failure. Notches, which also concentrate force on the prey, permitting cutting of durable material, may therefore be restricted to sharks that cut through tough prey. Furthermore, flexible attachment of teeth may serve to modify the stress distribution in live sharks in a way that reduces the chances of breakage.

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