Biology, biomechanics and biomimetic potential of Aldrovanda vesiculosa underwater snap-traps

Meeting Abstract

37-5  Saturday, Jan. 5 09:00 – 09:15  Biology, biomechanics and biomimetic potential of Aldrovanda vesiculosa underwater snap-traps WESTERMEIER, A*; SACHSE, R; POPPINGA, S; KöRNER, A; BORN, L; MADER, A; BISCHOFF, M; GRESSER, GT; KNIPPERS, J; SPECK, T; University of Freiburg, Plant Biomechanics Group and Botanic Garden (PBG); Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies (FIT); University of Stuttgart, Institute for Structural Mechanics (IBB); University of Freiburg, Plant Biomechanics Group and Botanic Garden (PBG); Freiburg Materials Research Center (FMF); University of Stuttgart, Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE); University of Stuttgart, Institute for Textile and Fibre Technologies (ITFT); University of Stuttgart, Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE); University of Stuttgart, Institute for Structural Mechanics (IBB); University of Stuttgart, Institute for Textile and Fibre Technologies (ITFT); University of Stuttgart, Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE); University of Freiburg, Plant Biomechanics Group and Botanic Garden (PBG); Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies (FIT)

The scarcely investigated aquatic waterwheel plant (Aldrovanda vesiculosa, Droseraceae) possesses the fastest snap-traps within the carnivorous plants (closure within 20 ms). The motion is induced by a small bending deformation of the midrib and the closure of the kinematically coupled trap lobes. However, the underlying actuation principle was thought to be purely hydraulically driven. Using a reverse biomimetic approach incorporating biological experiments and complementary computer simulations via Finite Element models, we were able to identify a combination of turgor change and the release of prestress as the driving forces of the movement, most probably speed-boosting the trap. We furthermore investigated water displacement during trap closure, the trap narrowing motion after fast closure and additionally, ecological aspects by analysing Aldrovanda’s natural prey spectrum. Moreover, going beyond biology, the geometric motion principle of Aldrovanda served as inspiration for the development of a biomimetic compliant shading device named Flectofold.

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