Meeting Abstract
64.6 Thursday, Jan. 6 Biogenic amine receptor gene expression in the immune system and nervous system of the Texas field cricket (Gryllus texensis) EASY, Russell H.*; ADAMO, Shelley A.; Dalhousie University; Dalhousie University reasy@dal.ca
The biogenic amine octopamine regulates behaviour, mediates the stress response, and modulates immune function in insects. Tyramine is the synthetic precursor to octopamine, as well as a neuroactive compound. Using sequences derived from G protein-coupled receptors known to have homology to octopamine, tyramine and octopamine/tyramine receptors, we have identified differential expression of receptors of the three classes in cricket immune tissues using reverse transcription PCR. Expression of the octopamine receptor gene was identified in the brain, nerve cord, fat body and hemocytes of the Texas field cricket (Gryllus texensis). However, genes for tyramine and octopamine/tyramine receptors were expressed only in the brain and nerve cord. The absence of expression of tyramine and octopamine/tyramine in fat body and hemocytes while octopamine appears constitutively expressed in all four tissues supports physiological studies on biogenic amine involvement in insect immunity.