Meeting Abstract
Cortisol is a glucocorticoid steroid hormone that is released from the adrenal gland in response to stress in most mammal species; other vertebrates use the structurally similar corticosterone. There is currently no method to measure cortisol levels from the nail of an animal, which would allow a more accurate analysis of long-term cortisol secretion in relation to current techniques such as measures of blood and saliva. In this study, we proposed a novel technique to analyze cortisol within the nail of the domestic dog (Canus familiaris). Nail was homogenized through exposure to liquid nitrogen and use of an attrition mill. Cortisol was then recovered through solid phase extraction and recovery was determined through enzyme-linked immunoassay. We have found that cortisol is present within the nail at a measurable level. Validation of this technique is currently being completed to determine effectiveness as a diagnostic tool. This research will lay the groundwork for advancing technology available surrounding cortisol testing.