Analysis of gene expression during regeneration in the anthozoan cnidarian Nematostella vectensis

Meeting Abstract

47.6  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:30  Analysis of gene expression during regeneration in the anthozoan cnidarian Nematostella vectensis PASSAMANECK, Y.J.*; SHIN, J.; MARTINDALE, M.Q.; University of Florida; University of Hawaii; University of Florida

Polyps of the anthozoan cnidarian Nematostella vectensis display rapid and robust regeneration of oral structures, including the mouth, pharynx, and tentacles, following amputation. This regeneration process is characterized by a dramatic increase in cell proliferation at the wound site, which has been shown to be required for the morphogenesis of the oral structures. To identify genes involved in cell proliferation and morphogenesis we have performed genome-wide microarray analyses to determine differential gene expression during regeneration. Microarray analyses were conducted for time points before and during the period of increased cell proliferation, as well as for treatments with the cell proliferation inhibitors hydroxyurea and nocodazole. Validation of microarray results by in situ hybridization has identified several transcription factors whose expression is localized to the region of oral regeneration, including members of the Sox-class. In addition, expression of Wnt-pathway components supports a previously suggested role for this signaling pathway during oral regeneration.

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