Meeting Abstract
Geckos are renowned for their diverse and remarkable toepads. However, while the diversity of gecko toepads has been studied in some detail, a great deal is not understood regarding the diversity of phenotypes, and whether the same phenotypes have arisen multiple times. We applied novel mathematical and statistical techniques for understanding the evolution of gecko toepads. To do this, we quantified the toepad shape for a wide range of gecko species across most of the major groups. We used novel methods for quantifying toepad shape both within the pad, and across the entire foot. We also examined the scaling of toepad size and shape from geckos ranging about 1 g in mass to about 300 g (300x scaling). We conducted this work in a phylogenetic context, and overall there appears to be both remarkable diversity in toepad shape, and also there appear to be strong links with ecology and life history.