A network perspective on metabolism and aging

Meeting Abstract

S2.7  Monday, Jan. 4  A network perspective on metabolism and aging PROMISLOW, Daniel; University of Georgia promislow@uga.edu

Metabolic rate and longevity are both correlated with body size across species. However, after one controls for size, the correlation between the two is less clear. In a comparative study in the genus Drosophila, we found that longevity was not correlated with metabolic rate. Somewhat more surprising was the observation that metabolic rate was relatively constant throughout life for most of the species that we analyzed. However, these measures were based on gross estimates of CO2 output. With the advent of high throughput –omics approaches, we can now begin to ask how the function of individual physiological components, and of networks of interacting components, change with age. Here we discuss the use of systems biology approaches, and of metabolomics in particular, to study age-related changes in metabolic function.

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