Meeting Abstract
P2.134 Thursday, Jan. 5 A genetically encoded fluorescent protein in echinoderms marks the history of neuronal activity VERDECIA, Mark*; BREHM, Paul; MANDEL, Gail; LOOGER, Loren; LAVIS, Luke; HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus; Vollum Institute, OHSU; Vollum Institute, OHSU; HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus; HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus verdecia@mac.com
Since the original identification of GFP from jellyfish and corals, the genetically encoded fluorescent proteins have become mainstream indicators for imaging. Functionally homologous candidates exist in more highly evolved bioluminescent invertebrates, including echinoderms. For example, in brittlestars, stimulus-evoked bioluminescence is transient, lasting seconds, and emanates from specialized cells (photocytes). Prior to light emission, we observe little or no green fluorescence. However, concurrent with light emission, an intense green, calcium-dependent fluorescence develops that persists indefinitely.