A comparison of stored energy reserves before and after oviposition in female Ambystoma texanum and sympatric Ambystoma jeffersonianum-laterale complex gynogenics

FINKLER, M.S*; GILLEM, A.D.; Indiana Univ. Kokomo: A comparison of stored energy reserves before and after oviposition in female Ambystoma texanum and sympatric Ambystoma jeffersonianum-laterale complex gynogenics

We examined interspecific differences in the storage lipid and glycogen contents of female Ambystoma texanum (a bisexual species) and gynogenic hybrid females from the Ambystoma jeffersonianum-laterale complex found at the same breeding sites. Female A. texanum had roughly twice the non-polar lipid contents and independently analyzed triglyceride contents as did the gynogenics, with similar amounts of lipids found in both gravid and post-gravid females. Carcass glycogen content did not differ between the two species. However, carcass glycogen was lower in A. texanum females after oviposition than before, and higher in gynogenics after oviposition compared to before. Liver glycogen contents were higher in A. texanum females than in gynogenic females, and liver glycogen levels were significantly lower in post-gravid females compared to gravid ones. These findings highlight marked differences in the stored energy contents of females of these sympatric salamanders during the reproductive season. Moreover, the apparent depletion of liver glycogen suggests a heavy reliance on this source of metabolic energy during reproduction in these early spring aquatic-breeding salamanders.

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