Meeting Abstract
Case studies have become an established approach to engage students and to practice problem solving skills. This case study was developed to serve not just as a means to convey information and practice skills in a high-impact way, but also as an alternative to traditional review sessions before the final examination. This case was developed for use in the final two to three class periods at the end of the semester. It uses primary research literature and news articles to explore the current public health “crisis” brought on by the emergence of the Zika virus and microcephaly in South America. Active learning elements were designed using the Top Hat learning platform to be used in a large lecture class. The instructor presents case information and scientific data and the students engage with the material using facilitated discussion boards, online polling and multiple-choice questions. The case serves as a capstone to the course and requires the students to apply knowledge that they have acquired throughout the semester. Topics include cell transport and signaling, evolution and phylogenetic trees, central dogma of genetics, and patterns of inheritance and biotechnology. During the case study, the students see how the basic concepts of biology can be applied to solve real-world issues. Although this case was used in a majors introductory biology course as a capstone, it can also be used as a refresher at the beginning of multi-semester introductory biology courses and in upper-level health related biology courses with little modification.