PhD Assistantship in Bat Ecoimmunology and Viral Ecology

Posted on August 17, 2022

The Becker Lab at the University of Oklahoma is recruiting a PhD student to start in Fall 2023 as part of a large-scale, collaborative NSF project with the Viral Emergence Research Initiative (VERENA) on the molecular foundations of the global virome, with particular attention to the ecology and evolution of immunity in bats. Applicants should have an interest in bat immunology, phylogenetic comparative methods, data mining, and host–virus coevolution; prior experience in any of these topics and coding in R is welcome but not required. A major component of this NSF grant involves comparative analyses of serum proteomes generated from wild bat samples and their relation to viral data, but opportunities exist to add other molecular analyses, to mine public virus ecology datasets, and to develop predictive models for bats and other taxa. The position will include four years of research assistantship support at the University of Oklahoma (through either the Biology PhD or the EEB PhD program), funding for at least one year of local and international fieldwork in Belize and Oklahoma, and opportunities to participate in collaborative working groups and workshops as part of VERENA activities. Interested applicants should fill this interest form, which will remain open until midnight on September 30 2022. Qualified applicants will then be contacted for informal interviews later in October, and solicited formal applications to the University of Oklahoma Graduate College will be due December 1 2022.

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