JEDI Award

2021 Call for Nominations/ Self-Nominations For SICB’s JEDI Award for Promoting Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Integrative Biology

The Broadening Participation Committee is requesting applications for the 1st annual justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) Award. Individual SICB members or a group of members are eligible for this award. The committee will evaluate applications from SICB members at any career stage who have strengthened the integrative biology community by promoting justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in our fields. Promoting JEDI may include, but is not limited to, JEDI research and broad dissemination of research findings, participation in existing programs that has led to the recruitment and retention of students, implementing and/or directing JEDI programs for an institution, organization, and committee, and engaging with and providing enrichment opportunities for communities that do not have access to resources for STEM programming. We welcome nominations and self-nominations for this award. The recipient(s) will be recognized in our upcoming newsletter and will be awarded a $1000 honorarium (shared among recipients in a group) to be used at their discretion. Funding for the JEDI Award is due to the generosity of the Gans Collections and Charitable Fund.

***Eligibility Note: No contemporary officer, editor, member of the Broadening Participation committee for SICB is eligible for the award. Membership in SICB is not required to nominate someone for the award but the nominee(s) should be a current society member. If a group is being nominated, at least one member from the group should be a SICB member.***

Self-Nominations and Nominations: If you are self-nominating, please assemble your application as indicated below. If you are nominating an individual or a group, please send an email that includes the name(s) of the nominees and their emails to Chair of the Broadening Participation Committee: Rita Mehta ( with BP JEDI Award Nomination in the subject heading by Friday, April 30th, 2021. The Chair will reach out to the nominee with directions for how to apply for the JEDI Award in Integrative Biology. Each nominator may nominate up to three individuals or groups. The nominator need not be the person writing the letter of support (see below). Completed applications including self-nominations should be submitted by Friday, May 21st, 2021. Continue reading for application instructions.

Application packages should include:

1. External Letter of Support: A single letter of support (no more than 2 pages) including biographical information (name, title, organization) of the person or group and a description of the activities supporting the spirit of the JEDI award. The letter must describe the nature of impact the person or group has had on justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in the field. It is the responsibility of the nominee to request a letter writer. The letter of support should be written by someone familiar with the activities of the nominee and may be e-mailed separately or included in the application package (See below).

2. Biosketch of the nominee(s): A CV (maximum length of CV: 3 pages) for the individual or if in a group, CVs for each person in the group.

3. Narrative statement, written by the nominee(s): A one page statement that explains the history of activity(ies) or the commitment of the nominee, a description of the activity(ies) (target audience, goals, location, resources contributed), how often and length of time the activity takes place, and the effectiveness of the activity (how outcomes or effectiveness is measured). If a group is being nominated, please include information of how each person is involved and their contributions to the activity(ies). Group narrative statements may be extended to up to 3 pages to allow for explanation of level of involvement for each member.

4. Optional supplementary material: any material you believe clarifies the activities of the nominee(s) relevant to this award (maximum 3 pages).

5. Please send all application materials in a single document (PDF preferred) to the Chair of BP: Rita Mehta ( with Your Name_JEDI Application in the subject heading. Applications may or may not include the letter of support. The external letter of support may be e-mailed separately or included in the application package.

If you have questions concerning the preparation and submission of these materials or need clarification about the JEDI award, please do not hesitate to send an email to Rita Mehta (

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