Student/Postdoctoral Affairs Committee

This committee hosts a program of special interest to SICB Student and Postdoctoral Members at each Annual Meeting.

The committee consists of a chair, who is a Full Member of SICB and who is appointed by the President for a term of three years; the committee chair is a member of the SICB Executive Committee and an ex officio member of the Broadening Participation Committee. In consultation with each Division, the President appoints a Student or Postdoctoral Member to represent the Division; the terms of appointment are flexible but not more than three years.

-SICB Bylaws, Article XV, Section 7.


Advice on Applying for a Post-doctoral Position, Message from the DCB Student-Postdoctoral Affairs Committee Representative, Sandy Kawano (2017; Members Only)

External Grant and Fellowship Opportunities for Students and Postdocs (Members Only)

Student/Postdoc Workshop 2008 Handout, “I Have a Great Idea, But Who Will Fund Me: How to Write a Grant” (Members Only)


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