Session 80

S.T.R.E.S.S. 1

Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 08:00-09:45
Room: Rooms 201-202

Organizer(s): Sarah Guindre-Parker, Mike Butler

Session Author(s) Title

LATTIN, CR*; KELLY, TR Method matters: Considerations for calculating glucocorticoid negative feedback

HODINKA, BL*; ASHLEY, NT Effect of sleep loss on executive function and baseline corticosterone levels in an arctic-breeding songbird, the Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)

KRAUSE, JS*; REID, AMA; PEREZ, JH; BISHOP, V; RAMENOFSKY, M; WINGFIELD, JC; MEDDLE, SL The reduction in negative feedback sensitivity underlies seasonal changes in corticosterone in free-living migrant white-crowned sparrows

DANTZER, B*; VAN KESTEREN, F; PALME, R; BOUTIN, S; MCADAM, AG; LANE, JE Disentangling how multiple ecological factors impact glucocorticoids in red squirrels

JIMENO, B*; LANDRY, D; STAGER, M; WOLF, C; PRICHARD, M; CHEVIRON, Z; BREUNER, C Metabolic traits, but not corticosterone concentrations, are associated with reproductive investment in tree swallows

GUINDRE-PARKER, S Revisiting glucocorticoid plasticity

BUTLER, MW*; ARMOUR, EM; MINNICK, JA; ROSSI, ML; SCHOCK, SF; BERGER, SE; HINES, JK Both Circulating Corticosterone Levels and Heme Oxygenase Expression Are Correlated With Circulating Triglyceride Levels in House Sparrows
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