Session 69

DCE Best Student Paper – Aubrey Gorbman Award

Day: Sunday, Jan. 5, 13:30-15:15
Room: Brazos

Organizer(s): Loren Buck, Kathleen Hunt

Session Author(s) Title

CRAIN, DD*; USENKO, S; MANSOURI, F; WINFIELD, ZC; ZERBINI, AN; GABRIELE, C; SABIN, R; POTTER, C; TRUMBLE, SJ A Different Kind of Wax Museum: Forecasting Population Trajectories of Baleen Whales Using Reproductive Parameters From Earplugs.

MUNLEY, KM*; DEYOE, JE; ADANIYA, CH; NOWAKOWSKI, AM; REN, CC; MURPHY, GV; REINHART, JM; DEMAS, GE Melatonin modulates seasonal changes in neurosteroid levels and territorial aggression in male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus)

GORMALLY, BMG*; ESTRADA, RS; MCVEY, M; ROMERO, LM Expanding the acute stress phenotype: DNA damage rapidly increases in house sparrows

KHALIL, S*; ENBODY, ED; WELKLIN, JF; SCHWABL, H; WEBSTER, MS; KARUBIAN, J Testosterone Regulates Gene Expression Associated with Carotenoid-Based Plumage Ornamentation in the Red-backed Fairywren

LANE, S/J*; EMMERSON, M/G; VANDIEST, I/J; HUCUL, C; BECK, M/L; DAVIES, S; GILBERT, E/R; SEWALL, K/B Urbanization lowers hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor expression but not clearance of glucocorticoids in male Song Sparrows.

GIGLIO, EM*; TRIPP, JA; PHELPS, SM The role of leptin in social signal decisionmaking in neotropical singing mice (Scotinomys teguina)

BOERSMA, J*; JONES, JA; KARUBIAN, J; SCHWABL, H Sex-specific causes and consequences of variable testosterone circulation in a tropical songbird
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