Session 56

Beat it (the Heat)- Combating Stress in Coral Reefs, Part I

Day: Sunday, Jan. 5, 10:00-12:00
Room: Rooms 203-204

Organizer(s): Nicola Kriefall

Session Author(s) Title

AICHELMAN, HE*; BOVE, CB; CASTILLO, KD; BOULTON, JM; KNOWLTON, AC; NIEVES, OC; RIES, JB; DAVIES, SW Time Course Physiology of Caribbean Corals Reveals Divergent Responses to Global Change Stressors

ZHANG, Y*; BARNES, SJ; KENKEL, CD Familial effects on the thermal tolerance of the brooding coral Porites astreoides during early life stages

CORREA, AMS*; GRUPSTRA, CGB; HOWE-KERR, LI; VEGLIA, AJ; BRYANT, RL; CONETTA, D Viral Reefscapes: Microbial Interactions with Threatened Coral Hosts and Reef Ecosystems

KRIEFALL, NG*; MATZ, MV; KANKE, M; DAVIES, SW Symbiotic partners diverge across reef environments in a panmictic coral population

ABBOTT, EA*; DIXON, GB; MATZ, MV Disentangling coral stress and bleaching responses by comparing gene expression in symbiotic partners

REICH, HG*; RODRIGUEZ, IB; TRIPP, SE; WARNER, ME; KEMP, DW; HO, TY; LAJEUNESSE, TC Symbiotic dinoflagellates pump iron (and other trace metals) to beat the heat

MATSUDA, SB*; CHAKRAVARTI, LJ; CUNNING, JR; VAN OPPEN, MJH; GATES, RD Coral (Acropora tenuis) background symbiont, Gerakladium>, competes with Durusdinium as dominant symbiont at elevated temperatures in multiple-genus symbiont-choice

BENSON, BE; AICHELMAN, HE; BAUMANN, JH; NIEVES, OC; STANIZZI, DA; CASTILLO, KD; DAVIES, SW* Diel thermal variation supports growth and symbiosis in a reef-building coral
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