Session 36

Comparative Genomics and Phylogenetics in Vertebrates

Day: Sunday, Jan. 5, 08:00-09:30
Room: Lone Star B

Organizer(s): Dave Blackburn

Session Author(s) Title

HILL, EC*; JARMAN, MJ; BUTLER, MA The Resolution Solution: Increasing Nodal Support in the Problematic Phylogeny for a Large Adaptive Radiation of Papuan Asterophryne Frogs

BLACKBURN, DC*; NIELSEN, SV; BAREJ, M; RöDEL, MO Systematics and Biogeography of the African Slippery Frogs (genus Conraua), Including the World’s Largest Living Frog

MARSHALL, TL*; DAVIS, DR; HILLIS, DM Mitonuclear Discordance in the North American corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus complex)

OSMANSKI, AB*; JOHNSON, M; GONGORA, J; DENSMORE III , LD; RAY, DA Genomic Signatures of Selection Detection Across the Order Crocodylia

PERRY, BW*; SCHIELD, DR; MACKESSY, SP; CASTOE, TA Mechanisms Driving Venom Gene Regulation in Rattlesnakes Revealed Through Integrative Analyses of Genome Structure and Function.

SIMPSON, DY*; TELEMECO, R; LANGKILDE, T; SCHWARTZ, TS Differential Gene Expression to heat or fire ant envenomation in Sceloporus undulatus
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