SICB Annual Meeting 2020
January 3-7, 2020
Austin, TX
Symposium S5: Form, structure and function: How plants vs. animals solve physical problems
Plants and animals have unique solutions for mechanical problems, such as adhesion, dispersal, and responding to mechanical loads, amongst many more. Several of these solutions have been sources for bio-inspiration. This symposium brings together plant and animal biomechanics researchers who tackle similar problems in different systems under the unifying theme of structure-function relations with relevance to bio-inspiration.
Sponsors: SICB Divisions DCB, DIZ, DVM; AMS
- Dr. Simon Poppinga; University of Freiburg
- Dr. Ulrike Müller, California State University Fresno
S5-1 Sunday, Jan. 5, 08:15 Müller , UK*; Poppinga, S:
Introduction to the symposium
S5-2 Sunday, Jan. 5, 08:30 BAUER, U:
Functional Surfaces of Insect-trapping Pitcher Plants
S5-3 Sunday, Jan. 5, 09:00 STARK, A Y*; YANOVIAK, S P:
Adhesive Performance of Tropical Arboreal Ants on Canopy Substrates
S5-4 Sunday, Jan. 5, 09:30 O’DONNELL, MK*; DEBAN, SM:
The Effect of Water on Salamander Cling Performance at the Critical Roughness
S5-5 Sunday, Jan. 5, 10:30 DEBAN, SM*; HOLZMAN, R; MULLER, UK:
Suction feeding in small animals and carnivorous plants
S5-6 Sunday, Jan. 5, 11:00 WHITAKER, DL:
Nature’s weapons of mass reproduction: Ballistic dispersal of seeds and spores
S5-7 Sunday, Jan. 5, 11:30 CHO, MS*; NEUBAUER, P; FAHRENSON, C; RECHENBERG, I:
A Filament-like Structure for Flight?: The Ballooning Flight of Spiders
S5-9 Sunday, Jan. 5, 14:00 JAFFAR-BANDJEE, M; STEINMANN, T; KRIJNEN, G; CASAS, J*:
Efficiency of odor capture by multiscale pectinate insect antennae
S5-10 Sunday, Jan. 5, 14:30 POPPINGA, S*; SPECK, T:
Abstraction of Slow and Fast Plant Movement Principles for the Technical Transfer into Biomimetic Motile Structures
S5-11 Sunday, Jan. 5, 15:00 LENTINK, D*; CHIN, D.D. ; HIGHTOWER, B.J.; INGERSOLL, R.: