S11 – Integrative comparative cognition can neurobiology and neurogenomics inform comparative analyses of cognitive phenotype

SICB Annual Meeting 2020
January 3-7, 2020
Austin, TX

Symposium S11: Integrative comparative cognition: can neurobiology and neurogenomics inform comparative analyses of cognitive phenotype?

A long standing question in biology is what are the mechanisms that shape the evolution of cognition? Comparative psychologists have traditionally focused on a narrow range of animals. Today, they study a broad range of species, greatly enriching our understanding of the diversity of cognitive processes. This diversity has highlighted the fundamental challenge of comparing cognitive processes across animals. The goal of the symposium is to bring together speakers studying a range of species to gain a broadly integrative perspective on cognition while at the same time considering the potentially important role of neurobiology and genomics in addressing the difficult problem of comparing cognition across species.

Sponsors: SICB Co-Sponsoring Divisions DAB, DEDE, DEE, DNNSB, DPCB


  • Yuxiang Liu
  • Sabrina Burmeister


S11-1 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 08:20 BURMEISTER, SS:

Integrative Comparative Cognition

S11-2 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 08:30 MACLEAN, E*; GNANADESIKAN, G; BRAY, E; SNYDER-MACKLER, N:

Dog Diversity as a Natural Experiment in Cognitive Evolution

S11-4 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 09:00 CHITTKA, L:

The Mind of the Bee

S11-5 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 10:00 AUDET, JN:

Comparative approaches for ecological and neurobiological correlates of innovation

S11-6 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 10:30 LADAGE, LD:

Reptiles: an evolutionarily important link in comparative cognition and neurobiology

S11-7 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 11:00 HEALY, SD:

Using Neural Activation to Understand Nest Building in Birds

S11-8 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 13:30 LIU, Y:

The Era of Single-Cell Sequencing: Lessons from Comparative Cognition of Model Organism

S11-10 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 14:00 BURMEISTER, SS*; LIU, Y:

Hippocampal transcriptomes are associated with cognitive ability in two species of frog

S11-11 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 14:30 BINGMAN, V P:

Avian Spatial Navigation and the Hippocampus: Can Diversity in Behavioral Mechanisms Guide Searches for a Genetics of Cognition?

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