Meeting Abstract
Captive (zoo) specimens in natural history collections allow researchers to inspect the morphologies of rare or CITES-listed taxa, but the lifestyles, diets, and lifespans of captive animals differ from those of their wild counterparts. To quantify these differences, we compared trabecular bone architecture (TBA) of dorsal vertebrae in captive and wild specimens of xenarthran mammals (anteaters, armadillos, and sloths). Because TBA develops following in-vivo bone force regimes, it reflects ecology and behavior, but this also means that it may differ between captive and wild specimens of the same species. We collected µCT scans of the last six presacral vertebrae in 15 species of fossorial, terrestrial, and suspensorial xenarthrans ranging in body mass from 120g (Chlamyphorus) to 35kg (Myrmecophaga). For each vertebra, we measured bone volume fraction (BVF), trabecular number (TbN), mean trabecular thickness (TbTh), degree of anisotropy, and trabecular orientation. We found that wild specimens generally have a greater BVF, TbN, and TbTh than captive specimens, but that these metrics differ by species, vertebral position, ecology, and pathology. Wild specimens of Dasypus have greater BVF, TbN, and TbTh than captive specimens in the three most posterior lumbar vertebrae, but have much closer metrics in the anterior three vertebrae. In Choloepus, BVF, TbN, and TbTn are greater in wild specimens in the anterior vertebrae and more similar in the posterior vertebrae. Arthritis in captive Tamandua increased BVF and TbTh, whereas wild specimens had greater TbN. Our results add to overall understanding of variation in mammalian vertebral trabecular bone, and suggest caution when including captive specimens in research on the relationship between TBA and ecology.