Integrative approach of the science and the management of genetic resources

MOUNOLOU, J.C.: Integrative approach of the science and the management of genetic resources.

The overall goal of genetic resources management is to provide our generation and future ones with the biological material they need for actual and possible uses. This management implies a thorough identification of genetic diversity and of its expressions in diversified ecosystems, natural, preserved or directly operated by economic actors. It adds to classical identifications a process of evaluation of the dynamic potential of biological systems, both circumstantial and adaptive in the long run. In other terms it uses dynamic collections, evolving day after day, because of scientific and financial constraints. Networks of in situ and ex situ, in vitro and in silico operations provide the practical framework, they should be integrated under national and international programs. The process will be illustrated by the presentation of the rabbit situation in Europe (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Under the incentive of a European program, Resgene, for the evaluation and the management of the resources and the economic development of their uses, molecular, ecological and behavioural studies have been promoted in synergy. Results point at the efficiency of the integrative approach, from DNA microsatellites to the demography of animal wild populations and domestic races. They promote scientific questions that are not of direct disciplinary access and provide new tools for managers. In principle, the consideration of the economic value of genetic resources has its niche in the approach. Societal assessment does not come at the end as a negative regulator of scientific activities. Hopefully, it comes with science in the process of construction of knowledge and technology.

the Society for
Integrative &