Symposium P2-7

Symposium P2

Ecology and Behavior: Predation and predator avoidance

Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed)
Room: Sheraton Hall

# Author(s) Title
P2.32 SEMENIUK, C.A.D.*; DILL, L.M.D. Costs and benefits of grouped and solitary resting in the cowtail stingray, Pastinachus sephen, in Shark Bay, Western Australia
P2.33 HAZARD, L.C.*; SINERVO, B.; MILLER, J. Physiological performance and predator avoidance behaviors of hatchling side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana)
P2.34 COOKE, SJ; STEINMETZ, J; DEGNER, J; GRANT, EC; PHILIPP, DP Interaction of Fish Size and Avian Predator Species on the Non-lethal Costs of Predation in Largemouth Bass
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