Symposium P2-18

Symposium P2


Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed)
Room: Sheraton Hall

# Author(s) Title
P2.115 DINKELACKER, SA; COSTANZO, JP; LEE, RE Cold Hardiness and Desiccation Resistance in Hatchling Emydoidea blandingii
P2.116 COSTANZO, J.P.; BAKER, P.J.; DINKELACKER, S.A.; LEE, R.E. Endogenous and exogenous ice-nucleating agents constrain supercooling in the hatchling painted turtlele
P2.117 SHREVE, S.M.*; YI, S.-X.; LEE, R.E. Effects of Dietary Cholesterol on Cold Tolerance and Reproductive Output in Drosophila melanogaster
P2.118 WILLIAMS, J.B.*; RUEHL, N.C.; LEE, R.E. Partial links between the seasonal acquisition of cold tolerance and desiccation resistance in the goldenrod gall fly Eurosta solidaginis
P2.119 BAKKEN, George S.*; WILLIAMS, Joseph B.; RICKLEFS, Robert E. Metabolic Response to Wind of Downy Chicks of Arctic-breding Shorebirds (Scolopacidae)
P2.120 BLACK, J; DZIALOWSKI, E; KHORRAMI, S; BURGGREN, W Metabolism and Hematology of Developing Chicken Embryos After Acute and Chronic Hypothermic Exposure
P2.121 DZIALOWSKI, E; BURGGREN, W; TAZAWA, H Development of Endothermy in Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) Embryos and Hatchlings
P2.122 LYNOTT, A.J.; BAKKEN, G.S.; BANTA, M.R. Estimating the Body Temperature of Swimming Mallard Ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos) with Infrared Thermography
P2.123 BOILY, P.; KNIGHT, F.M.* Adaptive significance of cold induced fever
P2.124 DANIEL, S.*; KORINE, C.; PINSHOW, B. Reproductive physiology and foraging activity in a Desert dwelling bats
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