Symposium P2-17

Symposium P2

Respiration, metabolism, digestion and energetics

Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed)
Room: Sheraton Hall

# Author(s) Title
P2.105 RAUER, E.M.; FELDMAN, R.A.; JACKSON, D.C. Avenues of Aquatic Oxygen Uptake in Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta belli) at 10�C
P2.106 GANNON, A. T.*; GREENAWAY, P.; HENRY, R. P. Relative importance of oxygen and carbon dioxide to ventilatory rate in land crabs
P2.107 KHANDOKER, A. H.*; DIZALOWSKI, E.; BURGGREN, W. W.; TAZAWA, H. Cardiac rhythms of late pre-pipped and pipped chick embryos in altered oxygen environments
P2.108 VIERTHALER, L; RYAN, M; TERWILLIGER, N.B.* A functional hemocyanin in the leptostracan Nebalia: Insights into molecular and arthropod phylogenies.
P2.109 VAILLANCOURT, E.; HAMAN, F.; WEBER, J.-M. Relative use of lipids and carbohydrates during prolonged cold exposure.
P2.110 OUFIERO, C.E.*; ANGILLETTA, M.J. Embryo Energetics and Thermal Acclimation at Fluctuating Temperatures
P2.111 BIRCHARD, G.F.* Effects of Incubation Temperature on Growth and Oxygen Consumption Rate in Bobwhite Quail Eggs
P2.112 BAXTER, N.B.*; DAZLEY, J.S.; SAVAGE, C.; FARMER, C.G. Apparent Assimilation Efficiency of Various Diets of Juvenille American Alligators Alligator mississippiensis
P2.113 STEYERMARK, A.C.*; DIAMOND, J. Functional design of the gut: nitrogen processing
P2.114 OWERKOWICZ, T.; MUNNS, S.; HICKS, J.W. Function of the postpulmonary septum in lung ventilation in Varanus.
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