Session 39

Respiration, metabolism and energetics 2

Day: Jan. 6 (Mon)
Room: Conference B/C

Organizer(s): E. Eng, L. Hazard

Session Author(s) Title
39.1 REESE,, S.A.*; JACKSON, D.C.; ULTSCH, G.R. Lactate Accumulation and Glycogen Depletion in Hatchling Turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii, Chelydra serpentina, and Graptemys geographica) Submerged at 3 oC
39.2 KIDDER, G.W.,III*; GOLDSMITH, C.E.; NEVILLE, M.J.; PETERSEN, C.W.; PRESTON, R.P. Basal Oxygen Consumption in Fundulus heteroclitus
39.3 NESTLER, J.R.*; TRUEBLOOD, L.A.; WHEELING, R.J. Effect of Increased Ocean Temperature on the Metabolic Rates of Tropical and Temperate Sea Cucumbers
39.4 GUGLIELMO, C.G.; CERASALE, D.J.; ELDERMIRE, C. A field test of plasma lipid metabolites as measures of stopover habitat quality for migratory birds
39.5 PIERCE, B.J.*; MCWILLIAMS, S.R.; O’CONNOR, T.P.; GUGLIELMO, C.G. Fatty acid composition of body fat and its affect on aerobic performance in Red-eyed Vireos
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