Session 30

Feeding 1

Day: Jan. 6 (Mon)
Room: Dominion South

Organizer(s): P. Wainwright, C. Wilga

Session Author(s) Title
30.1 FERRY-GRAHAM, LA; WAINWRIGHT, PC; NEAR, TJ Pharyngeal Jaw Form, Function, and Evolution in the Labroidei
30.2 COOPER, W. J.; WESTNEAT, M. W. Damselfish jaws: comparative and functional morphometrics in labroid fishes
30.4 CUNDALL, David; FORD, Neil Xenopeltis unicolor: Evolution of Unilateral Jaw Motion and Macrostomy in Snakes.
30.5 WILGA, Cheryl/D. Evolution of the Jaw Suspension in Lamniform Sharks
30.6 PRATT, M.C. It�s where you put your mouth that matters: how the location of feeding zooids within a colony affects ingestion rate in bryozoans.
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