Session 20

Regulatory Biology

Day: Jan. 5 (Sun)
Room: Conference B/C

Organizer(s): E. E. LeClair, L. Burnett

Session Author(s) Title
20.1 LECLAIR, E. E.; NOMELLINI, V.; BAHENA, M.; BINGLE, C.D. Innate Immunity in the Oral Cavity? A Mouse Tongue Tale
20.2 HOLMAN, JD; BURNETT, KG; BURNETT*, LE Effects of Hypercapnic Hypoxia on the Clearance of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus
20.3 OWEN-ASHLEY, N. T.; HASSELQUIST, D.; WINGFIELD, J. C. Indirect mechanisms of testosterone-induced immunosuppression in songbirds: a new paradigm
20.4 BOETTGER, S.A.; KELLEHER, A.L.; JERSZYK, E.C.; WALKER, C.W. Clam Leukemia: A Pre-Clinical Model for Evaluating Topoisomerase II Inhibitors
20.5 UZZELL, Thomas; STOLZENBERG, Ethan D.; SHINNAR, Ann E.*; ZASLOFF, Michael Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Hagfish: Role of Cathelicidin Antimicrobial Peptides in the Hagfish Gut
20.6 BACHMAN, G.C. The cost of breeding : Energy availability and the recovery of immune function in recently emerged hibernators.
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