Session 17

Swimming and flying 4

Day: Jan. 5 (Sun)
Room: Dominion North

Organizer(s): M. Bundle, R. Blob

Session Author(s) Title
17.1 BAIER, David B.; GATESY, Stephen M. Shoulder Mechanics in Gliding Birds: Implications for the Evolution of Forelimb Aerodynamics
17.2 BYRNES, G.T.*; HORISAWA, S.; GOLDBOGEN, J.A. Hummingbird Flight Maneuverability: A Three-Dimensional Analysis
17.3 ESSNER, R. L. Fluttering: A novel locomotor behavior in flying squirrels
17.4 DILLON, M.E.* Wingbeat kinematics of bumblebees hovering at simulated high altitude
17.5 ENSTROM, M.R.; LONGNION, J.K.*; DANIEL, T.L.; TU, M.S.; DIORIO, C.; WILLIS, M.A. Abdominal ruddering and the control of flight in the hawkmoth
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