GROSELL, M.; WILSON, R.; RSMAS, Univ. of Miami, Fl; Univ. of Exeter, UK: Intestinal chloride/bicarbonate exchange is involved in osmoregulation
Marine teleosts combat dehydration by drinking. In addition to apical Na+:Cl– and Na+:K+:2Cl– co-transport, Cl–/HCO3– exchange is involved in intestinal Cl– and water absorption. This exchange enables water and Cl– absorption in absence of luminal Na+ and can account for up to 50% of intestinal Cl– absorption. A consequence of this anion exchange is high [HCO3–] (> 100 mM) and high pH (>8.5) in the intestinal fluids. Considering the electrochemical gradients for both Cl– and HCO3– across the intestinal epithelium of most species, the Cl–/HCO3– exchange perform active transport of both anions. The source of HCO3– is carbonic anhydrase mediated hydration of CO2 and apical anion exchange seems to be fueled by active extrusion of H+ across the basolateral membrane. In some species, intestinal HCO3– secretion exhibits serosal Na+ dependence and amiloride sensitivity suggesting H+ extrusion via a Na+/H+ exchange mechanism. In these species, active HCO3– secretion (and Cl– absorption) is fueled by the electrochemical Na+ gradient created by the Na/K-ATPase. In the European flounder (Platichthys flesus), however, HCO3– secretion is insensitive to serosal amiloride and not dependent on serosal sodium, suggesting active proton extrusion via a basolateral H+ ATPase. As a result of the alkalinity in the intestinal lumen and the high Ca2+ concentration in seawater, substantial precipitation of CaCO3 occurs in the intestine. This is advantageous to marine teleosts because 1) it reduces intestinal Ca2+ uptake and thus the need for renal Ca2+ excretion and 2) it lowers the osmolality of the intestinal fluids aiding in fluid absorption. Intestinal bicarbonate secretion is stimulated by elevated luminal Ca2+ in the mM range suggesting the involvement of an apical membrane-bound Ca2+ sensing receptor (CaR).