Hummingbird Flight Maneuverability A Three-Dimensional Analysis

BYRNES, G.T.*; HORISAWA, S.; GOLDBOGEN, J.A.; University of Texas, Austin; University of Texas, Austin; University of Texas, Austin: Hummingbird Flight Maneuverability: A Three-Dimensional Analysis

Hummingbirds exhibit a suite of complex flight-based behaviors including hovering, evasive maneuvers, territorial defense, and long-distance migration. Such diverse tasks potentially impose conflicting mechanical demands on the flight apparatus. We quantitatively described three-dimensional body kinematics for ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) engaged in maneuvering flight, and analyzed the extent to which translations along and rotations about the three orthogonal body axes were coupled. Rapid changes in body angle facilitate quick reorientation of the net aerodynamic force vector and enable the rapid accelerations for which hummingbirds are renowned.

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