Session 52

Regulatory Biology – Environmental Endocrinology

Day: Thursday, Jan. 8, 08:00 – 12:00
Room: Balcony M

Organizer(s): A. Cheek, F. M. A. McNabb

Session Author(s) Title

EDWARDS, T. M.; EMRICH, R.; THOMPSON, H.; THRO, J. M.; CHAPMAN, L.; GUILLETTE, L. J. Reproductive physiology of Gambusia holbrooki collected from several Florida springs contaminated with varying amounts of nitrate.

CHEEK*, AO; FENTRESS, JA; STEELE, SL; BART, HL, Jr. Reproductive disruption in wild longear sunfish (Lepomis megalotis)

XIA, M; FENG, G; PITTMAN, C; BIESIOT, P; WANG, S* Isolation of Fish Genes Whose Level of Expression Is Altered in Response to Pollutant Exposure

HENRY, B.A.; WOOD, W.B.; CHEEK, A.O. The Reproductive Physiology of Warmouth Sunfish Spawning in Pristine Vs. Contaminated Environments

MEENUDDIN, Hafzah; DUTTA, Hiran Effects of Endosulfan on Testes of Bluegill Fish

SUGHRUE, K.M.*; FRENCH, J.B.; BRITTINGHAM, M.C. Morphological and Physiological Effects of the Endocrine-disrupting Contaminant Linuron on the American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis)

NORIEGA, N.C.*; OSTBY, J; LAMBRIGHT, C; WILSON, V.S.; GRAY, L.E. The Fungicide Prochloraz: In vitro Androgen Antagonism, Parturition Delays, and Male Reproductive Malformations in Rats.

GREEN, A.K.; SKOPEC, M.M.; KARASOV, W.H. Flavonoids decrease 3-0-methyl D-glucose absorption in American robins

HUNT, KE; ROLLAND, RM; KRAUS, SD; WASSER, SK Fecal Glucocorticoid Analysis as a Potential Tool for Investigating Physiological Stress in North Atlantic Right Whales (Eubalaena glacialis)

GREEN, A.K.*; HALEY, S.L.; KARASOV, W.H.; BARNES, D.M.; DEARING, D.M. Total capacity of P-glycoprotein higher in the specialist herbivore Neotoma stephensi than the congeneric generalist Neotoma albigula

MCNABB, F.M.A. Evaluating Pollutant Effects on Thyroid Function: Comparing Variables Across Species
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