Session 12

Sensory Ecology and Signals

Day: Thursday, Jan. 4, 1:00-3:00 pm
Room: 102B

Session Chair(s): Ron Rutowski

Session Author(s) Title

CASKEY, J. L.*; HASENSTEIN, K. H.; BAUER, R. T. The role of cuticular hydrocarbons associated with mate recognition in Palaemonetes pugio

VELEZ, A*; AMEZQUITA, A The role of temporal properties of the advertisement calls in the phonotactic response of territorial Allobates femoralis (Anura: Dendrobatidae) males

RUTOWSKI, R. L.*; MACEDONIA, J. ; KEMP, D. ; TAYLOR-TAFT, L. UV reflectance in female sulphur butterflies: DIversity and Mechanisms

DOUGLAS, J. M.*; CRONIN, T. W.; CHIOU, T. H.; DOMINY, N. J.; RUTOWSKI, R. L. Light habitats and the role of polarized iridescence in the sensory ecology of neotropical nymphalid butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)

MACEDONIA, J.M.*; LAPPIN, A.K.; LOEW, E.R.; MCGUIRE, J.A.; HAMILTON, P.S.; PLASMAN, M.; BRANDT, Y.; LEMOS-ESPINAL, J.A. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Conspicuousness of Dickerson�s Collared Lizard (Crotaphytus dickersonae) Through the Eyes of Conspecifics and Predators

RIVERS, TJ*; MORIN, JG Female response behavior to complex, intermittent luminescent male displays in a Caribbean ostracod.
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