Session 11

Hormones and Metabolism

Day: Thursday, Jan. 4, 1:00-3:00 pm
Room: 102A

Session Chair(s): Hans Laufer

Session Author(s) Title

LAUFER, Hans*; DEMIR, Neslihan; BAGSHAW, Joseph Identification of CHH-b functions of the lobster Homarus americanus

RILEY, JR., Larry/G.*; FOX, B./Kai; KAIYA, Hiroyuki; DAVIS, Lori/K.; DOROUGH, Casey/P.; HIRANO, Tetsuya; GRAU, E./Gordon Effect of Fasting on Ghrelin Receptors and NPY Expression in the Brain of Tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus.

CARUSO*, M.A.*; SHERIDAN, M.A. Rainbow Trout Possess Two Proinsulin-Encoding mRNAs that are Differentially Expressed

NAKATSUJI, T.*; WATSON, R.D. Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase from Crustacean (Procambarus clarkii) Y-Organs: Molecular Cloning, Heterologous Expression, and Functional Link to Calcium Signaling and Regulation of Ecdysteroidogenesis.

EVANS, A.N.*; IP, Y.K.; NUNEZ, B.S. Regulation of interrenal steroidogenic mRNAs in the elasmobranchs Dasyatis sabina and Potamotrygon motoro

BUSHOLD, G.J.*; FREAMAT, M.; TRANT, J.M.; KAWAUCHI, H.; TAKAHASHI, A.; MORIYAMA, S.; NOZAKI, M.; SOWER, S.A. Production and Purification of Recombinant Lamprey Gonadotropin Hormone Beta Chain in Drosophila S2 Cell Line
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