Session 78

Biomechanics-Materials II: Impact

Sunday, Jan. 6, 10:00 – 11:40am
Room: 206A

Session Chair(s): Sherry Tamone

Session Author(s) Title

CAMPBELL-MALONE, R*; BALDWIN, KC; DECEW, JC; RAYMOND, JJ; MOORE, MJ; TSUKROV, I The Biomechanics of Fatal Mandibular Fracture: A Blunt Trauma Injury Observed in North Atlantic Right Whales Killed By Vessels.

YOO, E.*; BIEWENER, A.A. Biomechanics of impact loading of goat horns (Capra hircus) using CT image based Finite Element Modelling

HU, DL*; SIELERT, K; GORDON, M Ramming, biting and cracking: the strength of animal and plant shells

SUMMERS, A.P.*; PORTER, M.E.; NAGLE, L.; CARRIER, D.R. Replicating failure of vertebrae and faces – a role for rapid prototyping

ROPER, M.*; BRENNER, M.P.; PRINGLE, A. Are the explosively launched spores of ascomycete fungi perfect projectiles, and is co-ordinated ejection used to achieve better-than-perfect range?
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