Session 1

Ecological Endocrinology

Thursday, Jan. 3, 8:00-9:40 am
Room: 202A

Session Chair(s): Pierre Deviche

Session Author(s) Title

SEARCY, B.T.*; BECKSTROM-STERNBERG, S.M.; STAFFORD, P.; SCHWENDIMAN, A.L.; SOTO-PENA, J.; OWEN, M.C.; FLIKKEMA, P.G.; PROPPER, C.R. Thyroid Hormone Disruption Detection by Gene Expression Profiling

DEVICHE, Pierre*; SABO, John; SHARP, Peter Endocrine response to N-methyl-D-aspartate in relatively photorefractory male passerines: Effect of the photoperiodic condition

SCHWENDIMAN, Angela L.*; SEARCY, Brian T.; PROPPER , Catherine R. Courtship in Xenopus tropicalis: Model Development for Evaluation of the Impact of Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Compounds on Behavior

WADA, H.*; MCNABB, A.; CRISTOL, D.; HOPKINS, W. Effects of mercury on adrenocortical response and thyroid hormones in tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nestlings

NUNEZ, B.S*; DAVIS, J.; SIMPSON, M.; OLSON, M. Development of mRNA biomarkers for the study of intracellular stress in elasmobranchs
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