Session 88

Functional Morphology

Day: Wednesday, Jan. 7, 10:00 AM-Noon
Room: Grand Ballroom C

Organizer(s): Russell Main, Rick Blob

Session Author(s) Title

MAIN, R.P.*; LYNCH, M.E.; SCHMICKER, T.L.; VAN DER MEULEN, M.C.H. Changes in cortical bone stiffness and geometry in response to applied load vary with age in female mice

DUMONT, E.R*; GROSSE, I.R.; SLATER, G.J Comparing the performance of finite element models of biological structures

ROSS, C.F.*; STRAIT, D.; DECHOW, P.C.; RICHMOND, B.; SPENCER, M.; SCHREIN, C.; WEBER, G.; SLICE, D. In vivo bone strain and finite-element modeling of the craniofacial haft in catarrhine primates

BEATTY, B.*; WERTH, A.; WOOD, C. B. Aprismatic enamel microstructure and tooth sharpness in odontocetes: economy or adaptation?

ZINK (DUNCAN), K.D.*; LIEBERMAN, D.E. Food for thought: the effects of roasting and mechanical tenderization on food material properties, masticatory force production and comminution.

CARMODY, R.N.*; CONE, E.; WRANGHAM, R.W.; SECOR, S.M. Cooking and the net energy value of meat: implications for human evolution
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