Session 81

Crustacean Endocrinology

Day: Tuesday, Jan. 6, 1:00-2:40 PM
Room: Grand Ballroom E

Organizer(s): Sook Chung

Session Author(s) Title

MANOR , R.*; WEIL, S.; ROSEN, O.; GAFNI, O.; GLAZER, L.; AFLALO, E.D.; VENTURA, T.; SAGI, A. Identification of the Protein Product of an Insulin-Like Gene Uniquely Expressed in the Androgenic Gland of Crayfish

VENTURA, T.*; MANOR, R.; AFLALO, E.D.; WEIL, S.; GLAZER, L.; SAGI, A. Insulin-like gene in prawn sexual differentiation

COVI, J.A.*; MYKLES, D.L. Regulation of ecdysteroidogenesis in the decapod molting gland: a new synthesis

KATAYAMA, Hidekazu; CHUNG, J. Sook* Co-localization of the specific binding sites of crustacean hyperglycemic hormones (CHHs) of eyestalk and pericardial organ on multiple tissues of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus

ZMORA, N.*; TSUTSUI, N.; TRANT, J.; CHUNG, J. Sook An additional role for molt-inhibiting hormone in the mature female blue crab Callinectes sapidus as a vitellogenesis stimulating hormone
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