Session 8

Physical & Chemical Ecology

Day: Sunday, Jan. 4, 8:00 – 11:40 AM
Room: Grand Ballroom D

Organizer(s): Michael Sears, Luke Miller

Session Author(s) Title

SEARS, Michael W. Implications of habitat selection and dispersal for the responses of small ectotherms to climate change

STAHLSCHMIDT, ZR*; DENARDO, DF Implications of egg-brooding induced hypoxia on the development and quality of offspring in Children’s pythons (Antaresia childreni)

MILLER, L.P.*; DENNY, M.W.; HARLEY, C.D.G Long-term reconstructions of limpet body temperatures allow estimation of the frequency and severity of stress events, and reveal potential consequences for small scale distributions on a rocky shore

YUND, P.O.*; KREGTING, L.J.; BASS, A.L.; AVENI-DEFORGE, K.; TILBURG, C.J.; THOMAS, F.I.M. Flow and Fertilization in Sea Urchins: A Combined Flume and Field Approach

KOEHL, MAR*; CRIMALDI, JP; DOMBROSKI, DE; HADFIELD, MG Effects of benthic community topography on water flow, dispersal of chemical cues, and hydrodynamic stresses on settling larvae

HUMPHRIES, S Filter feeders and plankton increase particle encounter rates through flow regime control

NISHIZAKI, MT*; GRUNBAUM, D; CATTOLICO, RA Predicting bloom-formation from cell-level swimming, stability & gyrotaxis in a marine alga.

MARTIN, K.L.**; MCCLURE, M.; BLANK, T.; VANDERGON, T.; RUMBLE, J.; SLEDGE, J. Instant Fish: Environmentally Triggered Hatching in Beach Spawning California Grunion

CASKEY, J.L.*; WATSON, G.W.; BAUER, R.T. The role of glucosamine in mate recognition of the caridean shrimp Palaemonetes pugio

KOPLOVITZ, G*; MCCLINTOCK, JB; AMSLER, CD; BAKER, BJ Palatability and anti-predatory chemical defenses in a suite of ascidians from the Western Antarctic Peninsula.
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