Session 75

Metabolism, Part II

Day: Tuesday, Jan. 6, 1:00-3:00 PM
Room: Grand Ballroom C

Organizer(s): Mike O’Connor

Session Author(s) Title

O’CONNOR, M.P.*; HONARVAR, S.; SOTHERLAND, P.R.; SPOTILA, J.R. Biophysical factors affecting gas exchange in sea turtle nests

PRATT, K L*; WILSON, R S; BLOMBERG, S P; FRANKLIN, C E Diving and digestion – the effect of an elevated metabolic rate on submergence in an aquatic ectotherm

SIEG, A*; OCONNOR, M; AGOSTA, S; MCNAIR, J; GRANT, B; DUNHAM, A Orthogonal Regression and Phylogenetic Correction Applied to Mammalian Metabolic Allometry

SMIT, B.; MCKECHNIE, A.E.* Avian seasonal metabolic adjustments in a southern subtropical desert: winter down-regulation of basal metabolic rate

TIELEMAN, B.I.*; VERSTEEGH, M.A.; FRIES, A.; HELM, B.; DINGEMANSE, N.J.; GIBBS, H.L.; WILLIAMS, J.B. Genetic modulation of energy metabolism in birds through mitochondrial function

WATERS, James S.*; HOLBROOK, C. Tate; FEWELL, Jennifer H.; HARRISON, Jon F. Allometric scaling of whole colony metabolic rate in Pogonomyrmex californicus
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