Session 47

Complementary Symposium: Hormonal Regulation of Whole-Animal Performance: Implications for Selection

Day: Monday, Jan. 5, 1:00-3:00 PM
Room: Burroughs

Organizer(s): Henry John-Alder

Session Author(s) Title

GOLINSKI, A.*; KUBICKA, L.; KRATOCHVIL, L.; JOHN-ALDER, H. Hormonal regulation of sexual dimorphisms in Lichtenfelderi’s gecko (Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi): expanding the comparative story of eublepharid lizards

DUFFY, TA*; PICHA, ME; WON, ET; BORSKI, RJ; CONOVER, DO Early ontogenetic aromatase expression in two locally adapted populations of Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) with different forms of sex determination

MIRANDA, R.A.*; SEARCY, B.T.; PROPPER, C.R. Arginine Vasotocin Induces Calling Behavior in Xenopus tropicalis

HUYGHE, K.*; HUSAK, J.F.; VANHOOYDONCK, B.; HERREL, A.; MOORE, I.T.; VAN DAMME, R. Testosterone and performance in a population of color polymorphic lizards

ATWELL, J.W.*; WHITTAKER, D.J.; KETTERSON, E.D. Testosterone, social behavior, and ornaments in two recently diverged dark-eyed junco populations

CAIN, K.E.*; AINSWOTH, K.L.; KETTERSON, E.D. Is Testosterone a Mediator for Aggressive Behavior in Female Dark-eyed Juncos?
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