Symposium S11

Contemporary Approaches to the Study of the Evolution of Fish Body Plan and Fin Shape

Day: Wednesday, Jan. 6, 8:00 AM-3:00 PM
Room: 612

Organizer(s): Jeff Walker, Rita Mehta

Symposium Author(s) Title

WALKER, J.A. Introduction to the Symposium: Contemporary Approaches to the Study of the Evolution of Fish Body Plan and Fin Shape

PEICHEL, Catherine L Genetic architecture of body shape divergence in sticklebacks

MCGUIGAN, K*; NISHIMURA, N; CURREY, M; HURWIT, D; CRESKO, WA Environment, Additive Genetic Variance and Evolvability of Body Shape in Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)

WARD, A. B.*; MEHTA, R. S. Axial Elongation in Fishes: Using Morphological Approaches to Elucidate Developmental Mechanisms in Studying Body Shape

ROSA-MOLINAR, E.*; LAUDER, G. V. Sexually dimorphic remodelling of Gambusias anal fin, body plan, and spinal neural circuitry which facilitates rapid copulatory behavior

TOKIć, Grgur*; YUE, Dick K.P. From optimized swimming performance to optimal body shapes

TYTELL, E.D.**; BORAZJANI, I.; LAUDER, G.V.; SOTIROPOULOS, F. Separating the effects of swimming mode and body shape in undulatory swimming

LONG, J.H.*; ROOT, R.G.; PORTER, M.E.; LIEW, C.W. Go Reconfigure: How Fish Shift Shape Dynamically and Evolutionarily to Modulate Swim-mediated Behaviors

WEBB, Paul W*; COTEL, Aline J Eddies: Potential impacts of turbulence on fish-swimming form and function

LANGERHANS, R.B. Multifarious selective agents and diverse trait functions: Poeciliids shed light on the evolution of fish morphology

BLOB, R.W.**; KAWANO, S.M.; BRIDGES, W.C.; MAIE, T.; PTACEK, M.B.; JULIUS, M.L.; SCHOENFUSS, H.L. Morphological selection and tradeoffs between predator escape and climbing in Hawaiian gobies

MEHTA, R.S*; WARD, A.B; ALFARO, M.E; WAINWRIGHT, P.C Morphological Correlates to the Evolution of Elongation in Elopomorph Fishes
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