Session 7

Molecular Evolution II – Smell and Vision

Day: Monday, Jan. 4, 10:20 AM-Noon
Room: 608

Organizer(s): Alison Sweeney, John Taylor

Session Author(s) Title

CHURCHER, Allison M.*; TAYLOR, John S. Still smelling after 550 million years; the amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae) genome encodes orthologs of vertebrate odorant receptors

OWENS, GL*; WINDSOR, DJ; ALLISON, WT; TAYLOR, JT The molecular contribution to bifocal vision in the four-eyed fish, Anableps anableps

SWEENEY, A.M.*; HOLT, A.L.; MASON, E.; MORSE, D.E. Deep-sea silver: photonics and biochemistry of semi-coherent broadband reflectors on squid eyes

TAYLOR, JS*; BREDEN, F; CHURCHER, AM; LAVER, CR; OWENS, GL; WARD, MN; WINDSOR, DJ Gene duplication and divergence in live-bearer opsin genes

WINDSOR , DJ*; OWENS, GL; ALLISON, WT; TAYLOR, JS Characterizing the pattern of opsin gene expression in the retina: insight into how guppies (Poecilia reticulata) see their mate’s true colors.
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