Session 20

Musculoskeletal Morphology and Mechanics

Day: Monday, Jan. 4, 1:20-3:00 PM
Room: 604

Organizer(s): Nicolai Konow

Session Author(s) Title

POWERS, KL*; GILMORE, LA; MONROY, JA; UYENO, TA; NISHIKAWA, KC Using trypsin digestion to determine the relative contributions of titin and collagen to passive elastic properties of whole muscles.

MENDOZA BLANCO, M.A.; PATEK, S.N.* Comparative muscle physiology of the mantis shrimp’s raptorial appendage

MONROY, JA; UYENO, TA; GILMORE, LA; POWERS, KA; NISHIKAWA, KC* Activation changes the length and stiffness of elastic elements in soleus muscles of wild-type mice, but not in titin mutants.

KONOW, N.*; AZIZI, M.; ROBERTS, T.J. Avian all-terrain: Tendons as power attenuators during rapid energy absorption

GEORGE, N.T.*; DANIEL, T.L. Mechanical energy gradients arise as a consequence of temperature gradients in the flight muscles of Manduca sexta
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