Session 78

Biogeography and Diversity

Day: Friday, Jan. 7, 8:00-10:00 AM
Room: 151 G

Session Chair(s): John Pearse

Session Author(s) Title

GODDARD, J.H.R; GOSLINER, T.M.; PEARSE, J.S.* Decline in nudibranch gastropods following a climate-related range shift of a large predatory aeolid in the northeast Pacific Ocean

LAKE, D.T.*; LEE, K.A.; RUIZ, G.M.; COHEN, C.S. Phylogenetic Analysis of Bicoastal Parasite Diversity in Three Brooding Bivalves

BERKE, S K*; JABLONSKI, D; KRUG, A Z; TOMASOVYCH, A; VALENTINE, J W Renegade clams: Marine bivalves follow neither Bergmann’s Rule nor its converse

BOYER, Sarah L.*; HOWE, Alexander A.; JUERGENS, Nathan W.; HOVE, Mark C. CSI Freshwater Mussels: Using DNA Barcoding to Identify Microscopic Animals

TUCKER, D.B.*; HARRISON, J.S.; MCBRAYER, L.D. Genetic isolation of Sceloporus woodi due to mature forests and major roadways

TIMMINS-SCHIFFMAN, E.B.*; DORFMEIER, E.M.; ROBERTS, S.B. The Effects of Climate Change on Physiology: Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Larval Response to Environmental Change
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