Session 7

Complementary Symposium: Ecoimmunology & Disease Ecology – Infection and Transmission Dynamics

Day: Tuesday, Jan. 4, 8:00-10:00 AM
Room: 250 AB

Session Chair(s): Erin Lehmer

Session Author(s) Title

BUDISCHAK, S.A.*; JOLLES, A.E.; EZENWA, V.O. Direct and indirect costs of co-infection in the wild: linking GI parasite communities, host hematology, and immune function

KUBINAK, J.L. The Influence of Host Genetic Diversity on Patterns of Pathogen Adaptation and Virulence Evolution

ADELMAN, J.S.*; MUñOZ, S.A. Could helminths drive geographic patterns in vertebrate eco-immunology?

VARNER, Johanna M*; DEARING, M. Denise Estimating Duration of Infection Using Antibody Avidity Assays: A Potential Limitation

DIZNEY, L.*; VARNER, J.; ZOLKA, T.; DEARING, M.D. Transmission dynamics among host populations

LEHMER, EM*; KORB, J ; MCLEAN, N; GHACHU, J; HART, L; DONNELAN, S; HILEMAN, S; WRIGHT, K; O’BRIEN, C; MCCARTHY, A; JONES, Z; HERRING, E; BOMBACCI, S The Interplay of Plant and Animal Disease in a Changing Landscape: The Role of Sudden Aspen Decline in Moderating Sin Nombre Virus Prevalence in Natural Deer Mouse Populations
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