List of Symposiums

SICB 2011 Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, January 3-7, 2011

List of Symposiums

Click on session to view list of presentations

S1 I’ve Got Rhythm: Neuronal Mechanisms of Central Pattern Generators
S2 Synthesis of Physiologic Data from the Mammalian Feeding Apparatus Using FEED, the Feeding Experiments End-User Database
S3 Speciation in Marine Organisms
S4 Neuroecology: Neural Determinants of Ecological Processes from Individuals to Ecosystems
S5 Bioinspiration: Applying Mechanical Design to Experimental Biology
S6 Bridging the Gap Between Ecoimmunology and Disease Ecology
S7 Population Dynamics of Crustaceans
S8 Environmentally-Cued Hatching Across Taxa: Embryos Choose a Birthday
S9 A Synthetic Approach to the Response of Organisms to Climate Change: The Role of Thermal Adaptation
S10 Environment, Energetics and Fitness: A Symposium Honoring Donald W. Thomas
S11 The Biomechanics and Behavior of Gliding Flight
Contributed Oral Presentations
1 Macroevolution I – Methods and Character Evolution
2 Macroevolution II – Diversification and Disparification
3 Scaling and Growth I
4 Tissue Mechanics I
5 Stress Endocrinology
6 Energetics & Metabolism I
7 Complementary Session: Ecoimmunology & Disease Ecology – Infection and Transmission Dynamics
8 Complementary Session: Ecoimmunology & Disease Ecology – Conservation and Community Ecology
9 Air Flow and Flight I
10 Air Flow and Flight II: Birds and Bats
11 Community Ecology/Symbioses
12 Marine Larval Ecology
13 Evo-devo – Sensory and Neural Development
14 Reproductive Behavior I
15 Cardiac and Respiratory Physiology
16 Macroevolution III – Evolutionary Innovation
17 Tissue Mechanics II
18 Energetics & Metabolism II
19 Complementary Session: Ecoimmunology & Disease Ecology – Immunocompetence and Reproductive Success
20 Adhesion and Locomotor Substrate Effects
21 Evo-devo – Morphogenesis-Head and Trunk
22 Evo-devo – Growth, Regeneration, Metamorphosis and Reproduction
23 Reproductive Behavior II
24 Complementary Session: Speciation in Marine Organisms
25 Evolutionary Ecology I: Invasion and Response
26 Phylogentics I
27 Phylogentics II
28 Muscle Physiology and Biochemistry I
29 Muscle, Temperature & Immunology
30 Energetics, Circulation, and Ventiliation
31 Scaling and Growth II
32 Ecomorphology of Feeding I
33 Ecomorphology of Feeding II
34 Behavioral Ecology
35 Environmental Endocrinology
36 Evo-devo – Body Plan Development
37 Sexual Selection I
38 Mate Choice & Parental Investment
39 Life History
40 Evolutionary Ecology II: Performance & Sexual Dimorphism
41 Evo-devo – Evo-devo and Population Genetics
42 Muscle Physiology and Biochemistry II
43 Evolutionary Morphology: Shells, Skulls, and Scans
44 Locomotion – Gait and Stability, Ground to Trees
45 Conservation Biology
46 Sexual Selection II
47 Social Behavior
48 Complementary Session: Ecoimmunology & Disease Ecology – Stress, Energetics & Immunity
49 Complementary Session to Bioinspiration: Biomechanics, Signals and Sensors
50 Muscle Structure and Function I
51 Muscle Structure and Function II
52 Biophysical Ecology
53 Sensorimotor Integration and Modeling
54 Swimming: Form and Function
55 Population Genetics
56 Regulation of Reproduction: Sex Steroids
57 Locomotor Evolution
58 Ecomorphology of Locomotion I
59 Animal Communication – Receiver Psychology
60 Animal Communication – Honest Signalling
61 Neurobiology – Sensory Biology and Neuroethology
62 Neurobiology – Motor Control and Locomotion
63 Complementary Session to Neuroecology – Chemicals, Signals and Ecology
64 Complementary Session to Neuroecology – Communication, Migrations, Neurobiology & Hormones
65 Complementary Session to Bioinspiration: Locomotion
66 Muscle Structure and Function III
67 Water Balance, Energetics and Performance
68 Swimming: Models, Stability, Maneuverability
69 Regulation of Reproduction – Seasonality
70 Ecomorphology of Locomotion II
71 Thermal Physiology
72 Neurobiological Control of Behavior
73 Education, Outreach and Policy
74 Complementary Session to Population Dynamics of Crustaceans
75 Complementary Session to Environmentally-Cued Hatching Across Taxa
76 Hormonal Control of Osmoregulation
77 Digestive Physiology
78 Biogeography and Diversity
79 Biodiversity in the Oceans
80 Aquatic Feeding I
81 Aquatic Feeding II
82 Loads and Levers
83 Limb Loading and Structural Design
84 Parental Behavior
85 Behavioral Ecology – Novel and Harsh Environments
86 Evolutionary Physiology I: Mice and Metabolism
87 Evolutionary Physiology II
88 Reproductive Physiology
89 Marine Vision and Visibility
90 Stress Endocrinology – Responses to Chronic Stressors
91 Locomotion – Gait, Rattle and Roll
92 Chemical Ecology
93 Behavioral Ecology – Foraging
94 Molecular Evolution
Contributed Poster Presentations
P1 Poster Session 1
P2 Poster Session 2
P3 Poster Session 3
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