Session 9

Evolution – Evolutionary Physiology 1

Day: Wednesday, Jan. 5, 08:20 – 12:00
Room: Royal Palm 3

Organizer(s): T. Garland, E. H. Krosniunas

Session Author(s) Title

TAYLOR, E.N.; DENARDO, D.F. Why are male rattlesnakes larger than females?

ANDRES, D.L.; MACKIE, R.I.; SECOR, S.M.; ESPINOZA, R.E. Can the cost of diet switching explain the evolution of herbivory in reptiles?

OUFIERO, C.E.*; ANGILLETTA, M.J. Parallel evolution of embryonic growth and development in the eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus)

GARLAND, T., Jr.; IVES, A.R.; MIDFORD, P.E. Within-species Variation and Measurement Error in Phylogenetic Comparative Methods

THURMAN, Carl Osmoregulation in Fiddler Crabs: A Review

KROSNIUNAS, Egle H.; GERSTNER, Geoffrey G. Resting Metabolic Rate Determines the Size of Blood Flow Responses Required During Activity: Why Aerobic Factorial Scope is Around Ten in Vertebrates

BUNKERS, J.L.*; KELLY, S.A.; BHANVADIA, A.; BLANK, K.M.; PLATZER, E.G.; GARLAND, T., JR. Susceptibility of Mice with Chronically Elevated Plasma Corticosterone to a Parasitic Nematode Infection

GOMES, FR; REZENDE, EL; BUNKERS, JL; RIVAS, DA; YASPELKIS, III, BB; GARLAND, JR, T Muscle Glucose Transporters (GLUT-4 ) and Glycogen Storage of Mice Selectively Bred for High Activity Levels

COSTA, D*; WEISE, M; KUHN, K; SHAFFER, S; ARNOULD, J; STERLING, J; CROCKER, D; BURNS, J Physiological Capacity Correlates with Diving Behavior Among Sea Lions and Fur seals

HAYES, JP; SHONKWILER, JS Allometry, antilog transformations, and the perils of prediction on the original scale
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