Session 20

Development – Morphogenesis and Comparative Development

Day: Wednesday, Jan. 5, 13:00 – 15:00
Room: Royal Palm 3

Organizer(s): A. D. Briscoe

Session Author(s) Title

SPAETHE, Johannes; BRISCOE, Adriana* D. Ultraviolet opsin molecular characterization and expression: Three ommatidial subtypes in the retina and a new photoreceptor organ in the brains of bees

NORTHCUTT, R.G. External taste buds in channel catfish are not neurally induced

ROWE, T. B.; MACRINI, T. E. ; EITING, T. P.; KETCHAM, R. A. The Olfactory and Respiratory Skeleton in the Nose of the Opossum Monodelphis domestica

STEWART, J.R.*; THOMPSON, M.B.; ATTAWAY, M.B.; HERBERT, J.F.; MURPHY, C.R. Uptake of Dextran-FITC by Placental Membranes of the Placentotrophic Lizard, Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii

SERRANO, X.; GARCIA, M.M.; VEILLETTE, P.A.; SPECKER, J.L. Cortisol regulation in larval summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus)

VEILLETTE, P.A.; GARCIA, M.M.; SPECKER, J.L. Immunolocalization of corticosteroid receptor with proliferating cell nuclear antigen and proton pump during stomach formation in metamorphosing summer flounder.
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